Spring 2nd session begins March 12, Registration is open now - March 13
Career Fair, Tuesday, March 13
Wilson Community College Agribusiness Technology, Coming Fall 2025!
PACK Peer Mentoring, We're Here to Help
HyFlex Learning: HyFlex courses offer a flexible schedule that allows students to 
choose how they will ATTEND their class sessions.
Are you facing a financial emergency that could keep you from crossing the finish line?
TRiO Student Support Services. Success, nothing less. Join SSS! Now accepting applications
Spring 2nd session 
begins March 12, Registration is open now - March 13
Career Fair, Tuesday, March 13
Wilson Community College Agribusiness Technology, Coming Fall 2025!
PACK Peer Mentoring, We're Here to Help
HyFlex Learning: HyFlex courses offer a flexible schedule that allows students to choose how they will ATTEND their class sessions.
Are you facing a financial emergency that could keep you from crossing the finish line?
TRiO Student Support Services. Success, nothing less. Join SSS! Now accepting applications
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We're here to help

Wilson Community College is committed to supporting students on their educational journey. Find resources for success below.

What our students have to say...

Earn college credit in High School

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Friday, February 21. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email. Weekend classes will run as scheduled.