• Continuing Education

Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education offers a variety of non-credit courses to meet your personal and professional learning needs. Offerings include professional and business development and certification courses, leisure/recreational courses, adult basic education courses, and workforce training courses. Through our non-credit course offerings, you can prepare for certification and licensure exams and earn industry-recognized credentials in a variety of fields. We even provide free assistance to potential or existing small business owners and entrepreneurs.

To be eligible to enroll in Continuing Education courses, students must be 18 years of age, or secure their principal’s permission if they are 16 or 17 years of age and enrolled in high school.  Children, and others not registered in a class, are not allowed to attend.

Note: The college reserves the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment.

Select Courses Available for Online Registration

If you are a previous student of WCC and attended under a different name, send an email with your current name and your previous name to kmedlin@wilsoncc.edu once you register for a course using the new online registration platform.

How to Register and Pay by Phone or Email

  • Complete the Continuing Education Registration Form.
  • Complete a separate form for each course you are registering for.
  • Save and Email the completed form to kmedlin@wilsoncc.edu or hpierce@wilsoncc.edu.
  • Call (252) 246-1317 or (252) 246-1287 M-Th 8:00 – 5:00 F 8:00 – 3:00
  • Payment methods accepted by phone: credit card only
  • Credit Card Authorization Form
  • All course fees are due on the same day you email your registration.

How to Register and Pay by Mail

  • Complete the Continuing Education Registration Form.
  • Complete a separate form for each course you are registering for.
  • Print the completed form.
  • Sign and date each form.
  • Mail the form(s) and payment to:

Wilson Community College
Attn: Continuing Education
902 Herring Avenue
Wilson, NC 27893

  • Payment methods accepted by mail: check or money order only
  • All course fees are due at the time of registration.

Explore Programs

Out-of-state students seeking to enroll in a program or course leading to professional licensure or certification should contact the Continuing Education office to discuss enrollment and professional licensure options available. Students may view the Professional Licensure information page to learn more.

For more information, contact:

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Weather Update

Due to the threat of inclement weather, WCC will be closed on Wednesday, February 19. Instruction will shift to remote learning and staff members will respond to inquiries by phone and email.